According to sources at W4, the delectably dude-ish Lady Bush opened the “Seinfeldian” vault, and disgorged on son, George, over a variety of topics for their annual Mother‘s Day issue.
“It was an extremely honest interview” said editor-in-chief, Marcy Green. ”I was pleasantly surprised, and equally shocked that she divulged what she did!”
The two hour buzz session, which took place backstage at a
One excerpt concedes the President’s frolicsome relationship with former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair.
“George loved to spend time with Tony. They would hold hands and skip around the White House like two peas in a pod. He would treat Tony’s visits like a slumber party, occasionally inviting Condi [Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice] and Cheney [Vice President, Dick Cheney] to spend the night. They looked adorable in their footsie pajamas!”, she remarked. “George [Senior] and I would chaperone the gatherings, read them stories, organize games and make them snacks like smores or brownies.”
The May issue of W4 magazine (White Women With Whiskers) hits newsstands March 2008.
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