
Popular Cereal Causes Prejudice; Hate Crimes

by: Rad Raines

MINNESOTA - Facing pressure from the FDA, General Mills Inc. has issued a recall of it’s popular breakfast cereal, Cheerios, while scientists investigate consumer claims that the popular cereal incites racism and violence.

Although the accusations currently lack the support of an official study, FDA officials say preliminary tests give reason for immediate concern and action.

“Upon our own limited internal exploration of the product, we find that further investigation is necessary.” said FDA Vice President, Charles W. Hoffman. “Our independent findings found FDA employees who sampled the cereal were more prone to racial slurs and anti-Semitic remarks than usual.”

According to court documents, two individuals have filed grievances claiming that their use of the “n” word escalated after eating Cheerios for breakfast, provoking social complications and loss of employment.

In the meantime, Cheerios has been removed from the shelves of retailers throughout the nation by request of the FDA.

A spokesperson for General Mills says the company is cooperating with the FDA and honoring it’s requests, noting that the recall was not legally enforced, but adhered to as an ethical response to yet undetermined accusations.

“We intend to fully cooperate with the FDA, despite a lack of scientific evidence to support it‘s claims. We hope this proves General Mills‘ cares for it‘s customers to the utmost degree.” said General Mills in a statement to ABC news.

General Mills is best known for it’s extensive line of cereal, baking and Pillsbury Doughboy ad campaigns.

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